Student Speaker: Jade Jordan

Jade in graduation cap and gown, holding a pan African flag behind her and wearing a green/yellow/red striped sash that reads, "Black Girl Magic, Class of 2021"
Jade, of SeaTac, completed a Bachelor of Science degree in March, majoring in computer science and minoring in dance. On campus, Jade was a communications leader with the Black Student Union and worked with Black Student Organizations and other groups to take steps to address systemic racism at Western. She was also captain of the WWU Hip-Hop Dance Team and spent several summers teaching computer coding to younger students. Jade hopes to pursue careers in both tech and dance. Her dream job would be working with a small tech company, ideally in a role that fosters inclusion and retention in the workplace. She also wants to continue to dance, perhaps as a backup dancer on a concert tour. At commencement, Jade will speak to fellow graduates about perseverance, celebrating how graduates completed their degrees in spite of the pandemic -- and perhaps their own anxieties and misgivings.

Jade's Speech